“It's not the honor you take with you, but the heritage that you leave behind.”- Branch Rickey
Our newest program Knight Project brings it all together and is for those dads that want to take the next step and be intentional about fatherhood . Knight Project encourages bonds between the father and their child, increases their education, and engages their community.
Upon completion each Squire will have completed 50 hours of reading to their child, 2 financial literacy classes, 2 parenting education classes, attended 2 major Squires events, and at least 5 of the 6 special KP meetings. Each meeting with a different theme. All done in six months.
Upon completion, Knight Project dads are rewarded materially, through things like receiving a family photo package, a "dad shirt", a $100 gift certificate, And lastly the chance to attend the Fathers and Family Coalition Conference in Los Angles with Squires.
In addition Knight Project dads are recognized through a special community Knighting ceremony.
*Knight Project runs January-June, Sign-ups close end of December.

​Squires was founded in 2012 and has been operating as a successful fiscally sponsored program under the nonprofit Impact NW. In 2022 we developed a steering committee of community partners, volunteers, and participants. It was determined by the committee that it was time to become our own 501(c)3 and make a few other changes.
In 2023 the majority of Steering Committee became the Board of Directors and we began the journey. We hired an attorney, became incorporated, and put the board through some training. Then the in early 2024 we obtained our determination making us a 501(c)3 as of 4/21/2023. Additionally, we changed made a small change to our name and a logo change to better tell the community, potential participants, and funders who we are and what we do.
We invite you to visit our new site
Squires Empowering Young Dads